Singing Guide: Rae Morris

Singing Guide: Rae Morris

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Rae Morris

If you are a fan of Rae Morris and want to learn how to sing like her, you have come to the right place. Rae Morris is known for her sweet, high-pitched, and breathy voice, which is reminiscent of early-2000s indie pop. Here are some tips and tricks for learning to sing like her, along with some of the best Singing Carrots resources you can use along the way.

1. Analyzing Your Voice

Before you start singing, you should analyze your voice to determine your voice type. Singing Carrots provides an excellent article on voice types to help you do just that.

2. Breathing Basics

An important part of singing with a breathy voice like Rae Morris is mastering your breathing technique. The Singing Carrots article on breathing basics can help you learn how to breathe properly.

3. Open Mouth & Throat

Like many breathy singers, Rae Morris sings with her mouth open to create a more airy tone. Singing Carrots explains the importance of opening your mouth and throat while singing in this article.

4. Pitch Accuracy and Vocal Range

All singers, including Rae Morris, need to have good pitch accuracy and vocal range. You can test your vocal range using the Singing Carrots vocal range test, and learn to improve your pitch accuracy through the Pitch Training tool.

5. Articulation and Vibrato

Rae Morris has a very precise and soft-spoken style of singing, and vocal articulation and vibrato are key to achieving this sound. You can learn more about vocal articulation and vibrato in the Singing Carrots articles on articulation and singing with vibrato.

6. Emotion Control and Stage Presence

Rae Morris is also known for her emotional and subtle performances on stage. Singing Carrots offers a number of resources to help you improve your stage presence, including articles on tips for performing on stage, how to overcome stage fright, and exercises designed to improve your relaxing breath.

7. Rae Morris Songs to Practice

Finally, to learn to sing like Rae Morris, you'll need to practice singing some of her most iconic songs. Some great songs to get you started include:

  • "Do It" - Rae Morris
  • "Closer" - Rae Morris
  • "Don't Go" - Rae Morris

By following these tips and using Singing Carrots' tools and educational resources, you'll be on your way to singing like Rae Morris in no time.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.